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In much of the world, having light after dark is a challenge.  Our project is designed to access the amazing problem solving skills kids have and combine it with their schools' 3D printers, create some simple solar circuits and make lights to share with those who don't have.  The tools of communication will be provided by SMART Technolgies.



​Indoor air pollution (IAP) is a problem which affects millions across the globe.  Our project is designed to involve secondary students in developing solutions in cooperation with the children in Verdhara and implement them using the SMART classroom there and using SMART technology classroom communication tools.





What better way to break in a new classroom than robots!?  Partner schools will learn together with youth in Verdhara how to program and control simple, inexpensive, Arduino based robots using freeware.  SMART Technology classroom collaboration tools will facilitate the connections!  Robotics creates confidence and competence in engineering, math, and programming.

Access to Education in Verdhara


​In an international partnership with SMART Technologies, Free the Children, and SMART Exemplary Educators across the world, we will make education accessbile to the children in Verdhara, India.

Access is limited for a number of reasons.  Health of the family, poverty, child labor, literacy, culture, school proximity are all factors that philio-engineering teams are working on.

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